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False Gutter Set - Got a pickup with a cap/topper and no side rain gutters? Artificial gutters are an ideal product to best place legs and bars on cap/toppers especially those needing to match the height of the bars mounted to the cab.
80,07 EUR   VAT not included
Brand Rhino Rack title=
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Got a pickup with a cap/topper and no side rain gutters? Artificial gutters are an ideal product to best place legs and bars on cap/toppers especially those needing to match the height of the bars mounted to the cab. Recommended to be used with our RL gutter-mount legs


This kit mounts to the side of your cap/topper and opens the doorway to using any of Rhino-Rack's wide range of Gutter Mount Legs.

This kit includes hardware to fit 4 artificial gutters to the cap/topper to suit 2 sets of gutter mount leg kits and 2 crossbars


    Allows the fitment of Gutter Mount roof rack systems to your pickup cap/topper if there are no existing side rain gutters.

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